You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Client Access General Configuration

Client Access General Configuration

Client Access is a tool that enables client contacts to access specific areas of their account information at any time. Setup options can be applied within Nexsure that enable the agency to control the information that is displayed to the client. Use the following guidelines to set up and manage the Client Access portal.

Note: Along with the selections noted in this topic, the client contact must be made into a user. See the Client Access Setup topic for more information.

To Set Up Client Access

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Client Access. Brief reference material is displayed.
  3. In the Setup Console, click Configuration > General. The Client Access General Configurations screen is displayed.
  1. In the Client Login area, the following options are available:

  1. In the Client Login area, when all entries have been made, click [Save]. Nexsure will then save all entered values.
  2. In the Status area on the configuration screen the following options area available:

Note: If the portal is enabled, [Save] cannot be clicked until after the E-mail Modification section has been completed. Please complete the E-mail Modification section before enabling the client access portal.

  1. Click [View History] to view a listing of all status changes. Notice that the comments left in the Client Access Setup - Status dialog box are available in the history.

  1. In the Email Notification area, the following options are available:

Tip: All emails must be sent with a From email address present even if that email address does not receive emails.

  1. After all entries have been made in the Email Notification area, click [Save]. The entries are saved. At this point the client access portal can be enabled.
  2. Click [View Sample] to open a preview of the email notification that has been set up. Generic values will replace the variables used. The agency and client specific values will appear in the email that is sent.

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Client Access Main Menu